Thursday, December 9, 2010

Raining in the Morning

I don't like morning because it makes me feel melancholy.
I hate it so much because it makes me missing someone I can't even remember.
I hate raining in the morning because it will be cold and it will be nice to curl up on the bed in your comfortable blanket but you need to wake up and do errands.


cikNuruLfJ said...

a very gud moning to u.....
aku pun tpaksa bgn utk stdy.....
dlm ujan3 bgni....huhuu

Sudir Suichi said...

apala c nurul ni...
org tgh enak2 bcuti..
dia satu org ja exam..

arianne adam said...

pagi pagi subuh subuh hujan hujan...memang buat rasa sedih nda pasal-pasal...kenapa tu aaa?